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8 packs Tea leaves of Miscellaneous clam up mind; 5pcs seasalt stone; grindstone knife; bath bag


Goodbye Inflammation 再見炎痛 

Extreme relaxation 極度放鬆 


Inflammation out salt, no inflammation take salt, salt bath solved anti-inflammation


Gathered down the ren paddle of crystallization to both keens cover bone and resolveing and move to the legs disperse with hydrogen floating on with clam down cooling cycle system. To avoid the pain on both keens stuck with the crystal. Congestion the blood clot with calf in the blood tube. Stopping the causes of the painful for the root bark on legs skins.


Liberates the dirty of confused gathers with sour to nourish the breathing clear in the eyes and Purifies and dissipates swelling of the spirit of eyes.


Remove the block of the split on both dental bone joints and releasing saliva for refreshing smell from mouth. Increasing saliva to smoothing talking of the speech much clear.


Protect the heart and stopping the sigh of lead poison or cracked, direct going to the heart. Transform the soft oil salt diffuse the sugar become Alkaline moderation and dispel the saltiness of inflammation leave, prevent the congestion of the heart ganglion duct and transit dispel inflammation to the middle of heart chest clip solve. Cooling cycle system will helping keeping heart heat in lower calm of enthusiasm. 


Spleen with the relieve appetite, dilute the thin lighting sugar transfer to the stomach avoid indigestion.Dissolveing the acid neutralize excessive gastric acid in stomach avoid leading the felt of heartburn.


Gathered down and dilutions the ren paddle with yellow sugar to warming the uterine shin. Disinfection of vaginal discharge obscures the disinfection of vaginal discharge. Unblocks the urinary tube, prevents urethritis with drainage plug irritants. Enriches menstruation and relieves blood clots, reduces menstrual pain. Dissolve the accumulation of the belly saving recycle to use after depuration.


Unimpeded to clear up the lymph. Relieve puncture the throat cause to cough,  and drain liquid from the nose.


Yinrenyuluhe heals softy the spleen and soothes the liver with the waist, removes the solid dirt and cooling down the kidneys. Turning up the scales of the ren paddlest then recycled to use from the belly base and reduce to clicking up the inflammation. Spleen also sending messages to your skin and muscle to senses then back to self sore to fix affected areas.


Promoting blood circulation, dissipating Acne silted in the inner ear.  


Heating the back pulling out the sour trickle then transit to the lungs effectively inflammation avoiding pneumonia. Digestive inflammation and soothes the muscle of the body tightness. 


Invigorating the spleen and strengthening the calicum to increaseing the Immunity of the skin to expand and prevent tinea, varicella blisters, Sanmonella, dampness and anti-sickness of diarrhea.


Dilute the thin paddle from the abdomen,  Purify active the sour clean field to producing the salty protein to increase the secretion.





護心閉關嘆甘谦柔和咸,化發消炎防於塞心節管,化炎淤心胸夾底, 踱凉返降心熱。 

















之後每星期嘆茶後拿纪念的茶漬洗澡,泡浴的時後用手磨碎㈠川芎和岩石鹽人澡盆,禾化消除酸痛疲勞,血液循環,還可驅除風濕骨痛,化發翻舊患消炎,中和酸淡汗帶來皮膚敏感。;㈡白胡椒和岩石鹽,除了之前的益處之外,還可以刺激感官和分秘,更可滑腸通便秘,還能深層清潔毛孔,減少因排毒引起暗瘡。;㈢ 花椒和岩石鹽,防止外感和排濕毒引起的風瀨,亦可減低月經因活血引起流量過多,同時收毛孔令皮膚光滑。


成分:話梅核, 薑茶, 弦米茶, 海盐, 绿甘皮, 無花果, 蟲草花, 八角子, 石合, 龍眼肉, 甘草

Ingredients: Dry sweetie plum,Ginger tea,Rice string tea,natural rock salt,Dragon eye fruit,Licorice,chicken cordy mushroom,Anise seed,Love burning fruit,Tieing match for fall,Green plier peel,Red berry's


Size: 22.5 x 15.5 x 8.5 cm/ Each pack in express envelope

Packing:  63 boxes pack in outer/ 70(3) x 50(3) x 63(9) cm/ 0.2205cbm

1 x 20' container = 6,552 boxes

8 packs Miscellaneous clam up mind tea set 8包思沉慰語茶舆5pcs海盐石和金钃磨石刀和洗澡綱袋

SKU: Health 02
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